
Super typhoon Megi is leaving the Philippines this Tuesday morning as I write this. At last count, four people had lost their lives,  one poor man drowning as he rescued  his carabao (water buffalo) from a raging river and then drowned. Other victims were killed due to the result of damage caused by the extremely strong sustained winds of 225km/h (140 mph) and gusts of up to 260km/h (162 mph.) Some reports had the typhoon clocked at 250 mph before it hit landfall and pronounced it one of the worst storms thus far this year in the world. Read the rest of this entry »

Waiting for the Jeepney!

My niece Krisa Mae waiting for a jeepney

Just wanted to post a photo of one of my nieces that lives in the Manila area as she waits at a jeepney station wearing a beautiful dress. Thought I needed to balance out that horrific photo of me that I posted earlier.


How to Earn Money in the Philippines! Well, with the US Dollar losing strength against the Philippine Peso, currently the rate is 43.25 PHP to 1 USD,  our money is worth at least 20%  less then what is was last year. So I’m thinking (which I do on rare occasions.) What can we do to earn some money in the Philippines?  Here’s some suggestions I came up with: Read the rest of this entry »
Haven’t been to Mass recently. No excuses. Just haven’t gone. Advised my wife yesterday that we would be attending Mass on Sunday, and thus gave her a 24 hour notice. Didn’t matter. Since we moved to the Philippines last year, may asawa is back on “Filipino Time.” You guys married to Filipinas know what I’m talking about. Read the rest of this entry »
Common security features in the Philippines
Window and door security, quite common in our province
Upgraded our security in the Philippines the last couple of days. Not that I did anything but supervise. The usual suspects that read this blog  know that I sit around on my butt most of the day “working” on this blog.  Our resident handyman and brother-in-law Joery took care of all the work. Put a new deadbolt and one of those peephole viewers on the door.  And a new motion detection floodlight. Read the rest of this entry »
Mercury Drugs in the Philippines rips off my wife! My mother-in-law needs daily high blood pressure medicine which my wife can usually purchase cheaper at a Mercury Drug store in nearby Iloilo City. Her nanay (mother) suffered a stroke last June, but fortunately fully recovered a month later. Read the rest of this entry »
You have to love these cops in the Philippines! If they’re not bungling hostage “rescues” that leave eight Hong Kong tourists dead, they’re shooting each other in the head with 9mm Glock pistols! What a wacky, fun-loving bunch of guys! Read the rest of this entry »
Better read this guys, if you want to keep yours!

Filipino Law Allows Husbands, Parents to Murder Wives and Daughters Caught Having Sex! I saw this amazing headline in the October 12, 2010 newspaper edition of The Philippines Star.  I assure you I am not making this up, and I am not writing this blog under the influence of too many San Miguels or bottles of Red Horse. Read the rest of this entry »

Trash in Iloilo City
Iloilo City street, check out the garbage on the right
Gloria Diaz, the Philippines 1969 Ms. Universe contestant, on a recent visit to Iloilo City, hailed the city’s cleanliness and pronounced the following: “This is the cleanest place I’ve been to so far — it’s truly amazing,” the former beauty queen turned actress said in an online article from SunStar Iloilo , Sept. 30, 2010 edition. My friend, Lance the Canadian, who has visited Iloilo City himself, brought this article to my attention. With all due respect to the Ilongos that reside in Iloilo,  I have to ask:  Read the rest of this entry »
Iloilo City Jeepney
This is some funny stuff! Thanks to Lance the Canadian for telling me about this video. Check it out! It’s hilarious and gives those readers that have never ridden a jeepney in the Philippines a fairly accurate idea of what’s it like.