Last year I had announced that my patient Filipina wife, Melinda, and I were talking about starting a personal tour guide business in our rural province of Guimaras. Well, we’ve finally launched our venture. We’re excited to meet new friends and faithful readers of this blog. Guimaras is a beautiful place to visit and share with other people. And frankly, my spouse has been tired of me just sitting around the computer all day, and she wants us to get out more. I’ll think you’ll find our rates very reasonable. We have a NO FRILLS TOUR where we can show you around our beautiful island for a fee of $50 US Dollars a day. That does not include transportation or food as our other packaged tours do, but offers a fairly inexpensive alternative to those wanting to visit and share some quality time on Guimaras with The Kano and his wife (The Boss.) Just click HERE for more details and contact information. Thanks!

Comments on: "Tours in Guimaras! Let US Be Your Tour Guides!" (2)

  1. Hey Dave, I think your tours will be a lot of fun. We will definitely check it out when we are back in Guimaras.

  2. Thanks, Lance the Canadian. Looking forward to meeting the best looking guy in Canada!

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