
How to Earn Money in the Philippines! Well, with the US Dollar losing strength against the Philippine Peso, currently the rate is 43.25 PHP to 1 USD,  our money is worth at least 20%  less then what is was last year. So I’m thinking (which I do on rare occasions.) What can we do to earn some money in the Philippines?  Here’s some suggestions I came up with:

  • Have my 77-year-old, 77 pound mother-in-law that lives with us work as a bar maid, or guest relations officer,  in Angeles City. Haven’t told my wife about this idea yet.
  • Sell revealing photographs of myself online. Or threaten to publish said photos and put a donation button on this blog so I WON’T show them. Again, haven’t told my asawa about this idea, either. At 46 years of age she might be vulnerable to heart attacks, and this idea might give her one.
  • Start begging. Nearby Iloilo City has banned it, but I still see beggars there, but have never witnessed a foreigner panhandling. I would bring our cute three-year-old niece with us dressed in rags to generate more income. Can have my wife go with me and have her wear a “I’m With Stupid!” T-shirt with an arrow on it pointing to me.
  • Sell little vials of  actual lizard poop online. Or cow manure. We have plenty of both, including B.S.
  • Collect five pesos each time somebody passes me on the street in the Philippines and yells out “Americano” or “Hey, Joe!
  • Collect a five peso fine from each guy I see pee in our public streets.  Make sure I collect said fine after they have washed their hands.
  • And finally, I could start dressing up as a lady boy and scam foreigners online. More and more lady boys in the Philippines are doing this. Why not let a “kano” try it?  Guess I would have to shave my beard, though, and explain wearing a cute halter top and pink short-shorts around the house to my wife! (By the way, if you say I’m not right, you’re not wrong!)

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