Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Super Typhoon Megi Leaves the Philippines!


Super typhoon Megi is leaving the Philippines this Tuesday morning as I write this. At last count, four people had lost their lives,  one poor man drowning as he rescued  his carabao (water buffalo) from a raging river and then drowned. Other victims were killed due to the result of damage caused by the extremely strong sustained winds of 225km/h (140 mph) and gusts of up to 260km/h (162 mph.) Some reports had the typhoon clocked at 250 mph before it hit landfall and pronounced it one of the worst storms thus far this year in the world. (more…)

Waiting for the Jeepney!

My niece Krisa Mae waiting for a jeepney

Just wanted to post a photo of one of my nieces that lives in the Manila area as she waits at a jeepney station wearing a beautiful dress. Thought I needed to balance out that horrific photo of me that I posted earlier.

A Funny Look at How to Ride the Jeepney in the Philippines!

Iloilo City Jeepney
This is some funny stuff! Thanks to Lance the Canadian for telling me about this video. Check it out! It’s hilarious and gives those readers that have never ridden a jeepney in the Philippines a fairly accurate idea of what’s it like.

Tours in Guimaras! Let US Be Your Tour Guides!

Last year I had announced that my patient Filipina wife, Melinda, and I were talking about starting a personal tour guide business in our rural province of Guimaras. Well, we’ve finally launched our venture. We’re excited to meet new friends and faithful readers of this blog. Guimaras is a beautiful place to visit and share with other people. And frankly, my spouse has been tired of me just sitting around the computer all day, and she wants us to get out more. I’ll think you’ll find our rates very reasonable. We have a NO FRILLS TOUR where we can show you around our beautiful island for a fee of $50 US Dollars a day. That does not include transportation or food as our other packaged tours do, but offers a fairly inexpensive alternative to those wanting to visit and share some quality time on Guimaras with The Kano and his wife (The Boss.) Just click HERE for more details and contact information. Thanks!

Quezon City Squatters Riot in the Philippines!

Quezon City Squatters Riot in the Philippines! As I was watching the news on ANC this past Friday evening I saw the report my headline refers to. What caught my attention first was that the ANC reporters are calling the illegal “squatters” “informal settlers.” The headline in the Manila referred to the rioters as “squatters” in their headline story, but also used the term “informal settlers” in their article text. It scares me

to think that the Philippines media is now becoming “politically correct”, and I will have to endure the same kind of “PC” crap I suffer with in the United States. Now I have witnessed firsthand some of these squatter settlements in the Metro Manila area, and one of my wife’s sisters and her family had an illegal squatter home in Manila until a flood a couple of years ago washed it away. They have since been able to buy some property and have a modest home by Western standards, but at least they have their OWN residence now.

Here’s the deal. The squatters occupy property they do not own. The government has offered them a very generous relocation package that some of them have accepted. The plan enables them to move into a house of their own for 300 pesos a month. About $6.80 US Dollars. That payment plan is spread over 30 years. The squatters are also being given a cash allowance to help them in the move. Now from my viewpoint, if I was illegally occupying property that did not belong to me, and the government was giving me a relocation package for me so I could move to a real home, I would jump at that opportunity. But that’s just me.
Five policemen were injured in the riot, and traffic was blocked for several hours along EDSA and Quezon Avenue by the squatters’ demonstration. President Aquino has ordered the demolition to be halted for now. Now I am not trying to be insensitive or unsympathetic to the squatters. It is an extremely difficult life for many people in the Philippines. I understand that. But I think that demonstrations which turn violent are uncalled for wherever they may occur. But that’s just my opinion.

Are You An Insolent or Discourteous Driver in the Philippines? You Could Get A Fine!

While doing some research for my upcoming eBook about the Philippines, I ran across some fines and penalties  imposed by the Philippines equivalent to the various departments of motor vehicles found in America, a national government entity called the Land Transportation Office, or LTO, and I just wanted to publish some of their fines and the subsequent penalities (shown in Philippines Pesos, of course. Currently, the US Dollar is running around 44-45 pesos to one dollar as a reference point.) There was a total of 97 different possible violations listed on their website, and while many are similar to what you would find in the United States, I found several to be quite interesting and somewhat amusing.

1. Driving without License                                                                                                  1,500.00
2. Driving without delinquent of expired license                                                                      400.00
3. Driving with suspended or revoked or improper license                                                   1,000.00
4. Failure to carry Driver’s License                                                                                        200.00
5. Failure to sign Driver’s License                                                                                          200.00
6. Driving under the influence of liquor.                                                                         5,000.00

          – and two (2) months suspension of driver’s license                                         5,000.00

          – for the 2nd offense and three (3) months suspension                                     6,000.00
           of driver’s license

         – for subsequent violations after the 2nd offense                                               7,000.00
           and six months suspension of driver’s license;
           after 3rd offense automatic revocation of driver’s license

7. Driving under the influence of drugs                                                                     10,000.00
17. Tourist operating or allowing the use of non Philippine registered                         5,000.00
        Motor Vehicle beyond the 90 day period of his sojourn in the

        – the MV shall not be allowed to operate by the confiscation
          Of its plates, OR & CR until properly registered.

       – in addition, if the driver is a holder of local driver’s license,
         the same shall be suspended for one (1) month.

32. Dirty or unsightly MV                                                                                            300.00

53. Without permanent tail gate with inscription “Not for Hire”                                     500.00
       sign in a private jeepney/jitney
              – to be imposed upon the owner
64. Employing insolent, discourteous drivers and conductors                                       400.00
             – to be imposed against the owner/operator/possessor of MV
65. Discourtesy of drivers and/or conductors towards the passengers                          500.00
       in addition to the suspension of conductor’s/driver’s license
       for (2) two months
66. Unreasonable refusal to convey passengers                                                         1,500.00
             – to be imposed against the driver and/or the operator in addition

               To the suspension of the license of the driver of the license of
               the driver for two (2) months. If the operator has knowledge or
               consent to the infraction committed, the place, OR & CR shall
               likewise be suspended for two (2) months.

69. Undue preference or unjust/unreasonable discrimination                                         600.00
       against the passenger
              – to be imposed against the driver aside from the penalty,
                The license of the driver shall be suspended for two (2) months

89. Unauthorized installation of aircon on buses                                                           750.00
90. Non painting of the word aircon for buses                                                             750.00
95. Failure to wear/unbuckled seatbelt                                                                        250.00
 (Almost at the bottom of the list, but it made it!)

One quick note. While watching the news last night, it seems Manila has reimplemented their anti-littering law which was suspended by former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo’s regime on 2003, and fined 90 violators yesterday in the Metro Manila area alone! The fine is from 500-1000 pesos,( pretty steep for a lot of Filipinos) and if the offender cannot pay the fine, then they will have to perform community service. Litter is a problem around here, and I doubt the revived law in Manila will impact our rural province,  but we have our yard policed by our nieces and nephews that live with us, and they keep it very clean. I really hate garbage being strewn everywhere, and our local downtown area is usually full of plastic bags and food wrappers that people just carelessly toss on the streets. It’s really a shame because we live on such a beautiful island. However, I would not like to see any local laws passed here to try and regulate it, but I do think it would be great if some of the people would take more pride in their surroundings. 

The Kano and the Deleted Post!

The Kano
First of all, thanks to Tony that left a comment regarding a post that I had deleted concerning conflicting views on a recent blog post I did entitled “Trouble Shows Up At Our Gate in Guimaras!.”  Tony sided with Kenny’s viewpoint, and I just wanted to thank Tony, and everyone else for their support of this blog.  Please check out the comments on that story as both present interesting views on how to handle the situation of the man that is coming to our gate asking for money. I decided to delete the post concerning the opposing views and thought I had not scheduled it for publication, but since I am a Bonehead, those things happen, and it automatically got published.
I’ve been busy working on my first eBook, a guide on moving and living in the Philippines, which I am hoping to have available very soon. Things have been pretty quiet at “The Compound” lately, but I still plan to keep “Lizard Poop!” updated. Again, thanks for stopping by and thanks so much for your support.

Don’t Look At Porn At Work! Check Out Some "Lizard Poop!"

dirty megan
Originally uploaded by Christina.Poindexter
Come on, do yourself a favor and stop looking at porn on your job and risk getting fired. It’s just not worth it! Do yourself a favor and educate and maybe even amuse yourself and read “Lizard Poop!” Yes, I am encouraging you to take a break from your boring, hellish, mind-numbing work routine and see how an American expat from a small town in Illinois that has quit the rat race is frolicking on an island in the Philippines with his beautiful Filipina wife, riding tricycles, jeepneys, and taking pump boat rides to the big city of Iloilo. But do it on company time! Don’t check out “Lizard Poop!” on your lunch or break! Come on! Be a rebel! And if you get fired from your job since what you are doing is against company policy, then retire to the Philippines. It’s fairly cheap to live here, and you don’t have to shovel snow in the winter. So come on! Live a little!

Young Mourner at Cousin Edgar’s Funeral

“A time to mourn. A time to comfort.”

Check Out The Latest Photos of "The Compound" in Guimaras!

“The Compound” in Guimaras
Just published a few new photos I took yesterday of our home in the province of Guimaras, the Philippines, that I used to affectionately call “The Compound” on my other blog, “The Rooster Crows at 4am!”  Not that we live in a dangerous, crime-infested area, but we used to have 13 relatives living here (now down to 10, don’t worry, we didn’t kill the other three off, our twin nieces moved to be with their Mom in Manila and our sister-in-law that was our maid is working in Kuwait.)  I just thought “The Compound” was a fitting name. To see the latest photos just click here. Thanks!