The Philippines: A Guide to Moving & Living in Paradise!

“The Philippines: A Guide to Moving & Living in Paradise!” and how to do it on a limited budget or fixed income. 114 pages of valuable information so that YOU can plan YOUR move today! All orders done through a secure PayPal site!

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Have you ever wanted to quit your job, get out of the rat race, and move to a tropical paradise? Are you tired of your daily commute, tired of your boss, and just plain tired of the same old routine? Well, I was. So I moved to the Philippines with my beautiful Filipina wife of over ten years and now live on a rural province known for its sweet mangoes and white sandy beaches. The Philippines is a place where a person on a fixed budget like myself can live a very comfortable lifestyle. In fact we have a total of five people in our household that we support for under $600 a month. Imagine what a single person or couple could live on! We don’t live in a little bamboo hut without electricity and running water such as my wife grew up in,  but we do have a comfortable home with a high speed Internet connection, cable television with HBO, air conditioning, and a McDonald’s just a scenic boat ride away that only costs 30 cents.  With this  114  page eBook I can show you how to do the same.

My information is some of the most up-to-date that you will be able to find on the Internet.  I have made every effort to provide you with accurate and timely expenses for living  in this archipelago of 7, 107 islands  filled with warm Filipinos,  always quick with a smile.  If you’re a single guy and looking for a future partner or want to meet some wonderful, gorgeous ladies, then this is the place for you. I’ll give you some advice on that, too. My goal is to provide you with a useful guide that can actually help you make the move to the Philippines and assist you once you start living here, AND save you a bunch of money. I’m so confident this guide will be a valuable aid in your plans to move to the Philippines that I am offering a 30-day money back guarantee if you don’t think my eBook will help you.  This eBook is available in electronic format and you can download it immediately after you make your payment. All orders done through a secure PayPal site!


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